I was almost vibrating with excitement, suppressing an urge to jump or scream or call out with enthusiasm I looked for something else to do. I couldn't believe she was alive! I guess I always suspected and I had certainly hoped, but now I had actual proof and a location as my goal. It took every ounce of logic I had not to just jump the fence with a gas can and head up the highway to find her. No, if I wanted to get there safely, I needed to be prepared, besides, in a few hours it would be light outside, and it was much easier to travel during the day.
I had rummaged through almost every storage unit in the facility. Almost everything was junk, but occasionally I found a box of shotgun shells or a case of canned goods. There were lots of camping supplies, and I had picked out the best stuff I could and stacked it near the entrance. It amazed me the garbage people seemed to save inside these units. Couches that were so old and covered in mildew that I wouldn't dare sit on them, countless taxidermied animals, deer heads, squirrels, even some old lady's dog. "She was a crazy ol' coot" Lou said when I saw it. "But she always paid her bill an she brawt me sum cookies wun tahm." In one unit I had found an off road vehicle similar to a Jeep, but smaller. Unfortunately it ran on propane and I only had gasoline, so I opted to leave it behind.
Lou's car was an old bet up sedan and wouldn't have had the space to load all pair supplies in it, so we opted to leave it here. Our best bet was the van outside the fence, but it needed fuel. I looked over at the stack of bright red gasoline cans. About 20 gallons total, more than enough to get us up there, but unless Tracy had other fuel there we would be stuck there indefinitely. I stared up at the hazy sky, the first lights of the day brightening the horizon. Trails of smoke in the far distance became visible and there wasn't a single light on in any of the windows. I never realized until now, but it is very unsettling see lights. You expect it when you a out camping or hiking, but in the city it is bleak and rather terrifying. Looking at a wall of skyscrapers I found myself feeling cold, despite the warm air of the evening, as I stared at all the empty windows. Every one represented a life, perhaps a whole family of lives, now changed by the virus and destroyed for ever. Each of them have either been consumed or are now out hunting for the few of us there are left. I grabbed a plastic can and steeled myself for the next task. I needed to get out of here, for good, and I'm not sure I'd ever want to come back.
"Time to get that van refueled." I looked over at the aged man nibbling on his dried meat. "You ready?" He nodded and pulled the strap of his rifle further onto his shoulder. I grabbed one gas can and followed him back to the ladder. He climbed up and stood on the top, reaching down to take the gas cane from me. Once I reached the top I took it back, crouching down low and staying as silent as I could.
Lou walked to the edge, looking down at the teeming hands below. As though anticipating his arrival they began to swarm, buzzing ferociously at the sight of food so close to them. From my low angle I could not see their faces, but I could see their hands reaching up, desperately trying to grab him from his perch of safety. He stood confidently, pointing the rifle down at one's head. He looked back at me and smiled, his missing teeth shining in the fading light. I shook my head violently, hoping he wouldn't fire a shot that could draw that mega horde a few blocks away. He took a step to his left, and I watched as the hands shifted with him. Another step and they moved again. Perhaps this would actually work!
After a dozen or so steps he was far enough down that I dared peek my head up above the crest of the roof. The van was sitting silently where I left it, and I didn't see a single walker nearby. I looked over at the group and saw Lou leading them further and further away. As he reached the corner the group moved out of sight and I immediately jumped off the edge and ran toward the van.
I glanced into the back to make sure there wasnt a surprise visitor inside, and confident it was empty,,I moved to the left and unscrewed the gas cap. Emptying the contents of my plastic can into the tank I replaced the cap and tossed the can into the back of the van. I closed the doors quickly and looked around, making sure I wasn't being snuck up on.
I moved to the drivers side door and pulled the handle, opening it up and sliding quickly onto the vinyl seat. Closing the door as quietly as I could, I turned the ingiition. The van sputtered a couple times and then roared to life. I shifted the van into gear, pushed acelarator, and turned the wheel to point me in the opposite direction. Even though Lou was still around the corner, I saw a couple of the walking dead round the corner and head toward me rapidly. They clearly heard the van starting and decided that I might be a more obtainable meal. I pushed on the gas and moved rapidly, leaving them behind me without another thought.
The van moved steadily down the road and I felt a feeling of triumph surging in my chest. A wide smile spread rapidly across my face and I tapped my fingers happily on the steering wheel. Looking ahead of me I saw the street was empty. If Lou was doing everything according to plan, he would have ditched the horde back where he found them and descended the ladder, making his way to the gate controls. I turned the last corner and saw the gates ahead. I pulled in front and sat patiently, hunching down to look at the window on the second floor of the building ahead of me. "Come on Lou... Where are you?" My happy tapping turned to nervous drumming and I checked my mirrors. Everything seemed safe for the moment, but that could change in an instant.
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